It might have been around three years since Tollywood young hero Nikhil Siddharth appeared on the silver screen. He was last seen in Arjun Suravaram. The long gap is worth it as the talented hero is going to enter the elite Pan-India club with his upcoming film, which marks the sequel of his successful film.
‘Karthikeya is a special film in Nikhil Siddhartha’s career and he will be seen next in its sequel titled ‘Karthikeya 2’. As the film is related to Lord Krishna and the drowned city of Dwaraka is mentioned, the International Society for Krishna Consciousness (ISKCON), which endorses the preachings of Krishna Paramatma invited the team to Brundavan, the birthplace of the deity.
When the team visited the ISKCON premises, the society authorities placed a new proposal before the team to think of having a release in English so that the concept reaches a wider audience, and the team is believed to have told them that they will look into it.
Releasing in English will make it accessible to a larger audience. ISKCON was founded with the idea to preach the teachings of Lord Krishna. Though ISKCON is very popular in the north, the organisation slowly spread its wings in the southern states as well.
Not just that, ISKCON is active in a few western countries, and many celebrities in Hollywood like Will Smith were introduced to Lord Krishna and the Hindu religion and they have read Bhagavad Gita.
It appears like ISKCON wants to use Karthikeya 2 as a big vehicle to take the teachings of Lord Krishna to a larger set of audiences. Cinema is a powerful medium and a strong message can be delivered. Maybe, the body wants to do the same.
However, we have to see whether team Karthikeya 2 will accept ISKCON’s proposal and ready their film for an English release. If the same happens, then Nikhil will have the credit of going for Pan-India and global level with the same film. SS Rajamouli’s RRR was also released in English in a few countries and Karthikeya 2 might join the list.
The successful combination of Nikhil Siddhartha and director Chandoo Mondeti joined hands for one more time for the sequel. Anupama Parameshwaran is playing the leading lady and it is bankrolled jointly by People Media Factory and Abhishek Agarwal Arts. The Pan-India film will be released in Telugu, Tamil, Kannada, Malayalam, and Hindi languages.