The sons of Telangana and Andhra Pradesh Chief Ministers K T Rama Rao and Nara Lokesh, who are battling it out in GHMC poll campaigning aggressively, would now be supported by their fathers KCR and Chandrababu Naidu. AP CM Chandrababu Naidu will make a whirlwind tour of GHMC limits on Thursday and Friday to campaign for TDP-BJP combine. The TDP-BJP combine which is lagging behind by ruling TRS in GHMC polls, has kept high hopes and expectations on Naidu’s campaigning.
The TDP-BJP contestants hope that Naidu’s campaign would attract Seemandhra settlers in GHMC limits towards TDP and BJP, which the TRS leaders are trying to hijack for the last few days by giving “Pro-Seemandhra statements”. While some AP ministers, MPs, MLAs already started campaigning in areas dominated by Seemandhra settlers, Naidu’s poll campaign is expected to turn the tide in their favour in these areas. Naidu will lay special focus on city outskirts where there is significant population of Seemandhra settlers.
Though Telangana CM K Chandrasekhar Rao would not hit the roads like Naidu, he is examining other options to reach out to the public. KCR has decided to hold a huge public meeting at Parade Grounds in Secunderabad on January 30. KCR has also planned to address a press conference at Telangana Bhavan on Thursday evening where he is expected to unveil his vision for developing Hyderabad as a global city, if TRS is voted to power in GHMC polls.