‘Airlift’ features Akshay Kumar and Nimrat Kaur in lead roles. Raja Krishna Menon shapes the project. This is one of the most expected movies and it is scheduled for a release on January 22nd 2016. The movie is based on biggest evacuation of Indians based in Kuwait during Iraq – Kuwait war. The supporting cast features actors like Lena and Purab Kohli. The supporting cast features actors like Lena and Purab Kohli. Bhushan Kumar, Nikhil Advani and Aruna Bhatia produces this as a joint venture. Priya Seth cranks the camera and Ankit Tiwari scores tunes.
As the trailer was released, it was compared with Ben Affleck’s ‘Argo’. But Akshay Kumar has requested fans not to compare. He has made a statement that the story is Original and non-fictional. He also said that Argo is also a covert operation to rescue Americans from Iran hostage crisis. It is a small scale operation which was made specific to do so. But Airlift is something larger and we have collected lots of facts. Social media however continues the comparison.