According to DNA website, the script of Karan Johar’s next directorial project, Ae Dil Hai Mushkil, demanded is a kiss and a passionate scene between the leading man Ranbir Kapoor and Aishwarya Rai Bachchan.
Although Ash has done a kissing scene in Dhoom:2, with Hrithik Roshan, after she got married, she isn’t comfortable doing it now.
She made her reservations known to director KJo. Given his relationship with the Bachchan parivaar, he didn’t want any awkwardness and agreed to shoot the scene in such a way that it would not involve an actual liplock.
He will now also shoot the intimate scene in such a way that there is no skin-show by the actress. So now, you won’t see a liplock between Ranbir and Aishwarya Rai.