Megastar Chiranjeevi has wrapped the complete shooting of Sye Raa from his end and is currently taking rest. He will be working out on a new physique before he joins Koratala Siva’s movie, which is being produced by Ram Charan along with another producer.
Though the names of Nayantara, Tamanna and Anushka are heard in connection with this film, it looks like Koratala Siva is not in a mood to rope none of them as the leading lady. Reportedly he’s said to have asked the producers to consider bringing someone like Aishwarya Rai to do the leading lady opposite Chiru.
Koratala’s idea is to bring someone who could bring enormous freshness as well as hype to the project. And he feels that Chiranjeevi’s heroine should be as special as possible. For now, consultations have started with Aish’s manager and we have to see if Charan will seek AmitabhBachhan’s help to bring her in.
Amitabh has recently acted with Chiranjeevi in Sye Raa and even shared a video message for Ram Charan on the eve of the young hero’s birthday.