At a promotional event for the upcoming film Ponniyin Selvan 2, Bollywood star Aishwarya Rai Bachchan was captured in a heartwarming moment, as she touched the feet of the film’s director, Mani Ratnam. The event, which took place in Mumbai, saw the film’s cast and crew come together to promote the highly anticipated sequel.
Aishwarya and Mani Ratnam have a long-standing professional relationship, back to 1997, when the director cast her in the lead role of his film Iruvar (Iddaru in Telugu) soon after she was crowned Miss World.
The actress has since worked with Ratnam on several projects, including Guru, Raavan, and the upcoming Ponniyin Selvan 1 and 2. Known for her deep respect and admiration for the renowned filmmaker, Aishwarya has often referred to him as her “Guru” and has shared a special bond with him over the years.
In Ponniyin Selvan 2, Aishwarya plays the pivotal role of Nandhini, the Princess of Pazhuvoor, a character with immense significance in the sequel.
Fans of Aishwarya and Mani Ratnam are eagerly awaiting the release of Ponniyin Selvan 2, which is set to hit theaters worldwide on April 28. With its star-studded cast and talented crew, the film promises to be a blockbuster hit, and the touching moment captured between Aishwarya and Mani Ratnam only adds to the excitement surrounding the film’s release.