Twelve years after the award-winning Telugu film Aithe was released, director Raj Mudiraj is making Aithe 2.0, in Telugu and Hindi. The film was launched on Tuesday in Hyderabad.
Raj, meanwhile, says that it is not a sequel. “Aithe 2.0 is a techno thriller which highlights the ill effects of social media and technology on youth. It’s going to be a different film and has no similarities with Aithe. But I can say that my film is a complete reboot version of the old film. The Hindi version is titled Pirates 1.0,” says Raj.
Shooting has already started and the director plans to complete it in 40-45 days. The actors are a mix from the Hindi and Telugu industries — Indraneel Sen Gupta, Zara Shah, Abhishek, Karthavya Sharma, Neeraj, Mrunal and Mrudanjali. K. Vijayarama Raju is producing this bilingual film.