MIM leader Akbaruddin Owaisi has tickled funny bone of fellow legislators in Telangana Assembly during the ongoing budget session. Speaking on the government’s budget plan, Akbaruddin has narrated a short story (Pitta Katha) in Assembly which grabbed several’s attention, appreciation and at the same time cornered Chief Minister KCR sarcastically and satirically. Akkbaruddin said, “There used to be a Baadshah who loves arts.
A singer has came to his Darbar and impressed the Baadshah with his song. Immediately, the King announced a house for singer. The singer sang another song as beautifully as his first one and again the King was impressed and announced Gold as Gift. The singer sang third song and this time, the King declared diamonds as gift to him. Happy with the gifts announced by the King, the singer went to his home and told his wife about it. Both the couple were on cloud nine and waiting to receive the gifts.”
“Although it’s been a week, the singer didn’t get any gifts and he once again went to Darbar and told the King that he hasn’t got any gifts so far. The Baadshah replied, ‘You have made me happy with your song…I’ve made you happy with my words. That’s it.’, Akbar said. Akbar has drawn comparisons to Telangana’s budget and said all has been promised but how much it’s going to help the common man, questioned Akbaruddin. Notwithstanding that MIM is supporting government from outside, With this satirical short story, Akbar certainly cornered KCR.