The makers of Akhil Akkineni’s debut movie had released a Special video of their movie on the occasion of Akhil’s Birthday. The 1.16 Minute Video combines making video of the film and a little teaser of the actor. The making video shows the technical expertise of the team – director Vinayak, Cinematographer Amol Rathod, Music directors Anup and Thaman, and Producer Nithin.
In the second part, Akhil is seen as a handsome hunk in ultra stylish costumes and styling. There is a little glimpse of his fights which are again promising. All in all, the video will keep Akkineni fans on their toes till the movie releases.
he onus is on Vinayak to give him a perfect launch pad as he did for Bellamkonda Srinivas with Alludu Seenu. The first schedule of the movie is recently completed. The makers have already announced that the majority of the movie will be canned in Overseas. Sayesh Saigal, the granddaughter of Bollywood Superstar Dilip Kumar is playing the female lead in this film. The film will have story penned by ‘Damarukham’ fame Veligonda Srinivas.