The entry of Akhil Akkineni is the talk of the town and is rocking the Telugu film industry. Adding fuel to the fire, controversies favourite child-director Ram Gopal Varma stepped in by worsening the things. “Someone who saw Akhil’s rushes told me al Mega,super,power rebel,crazy stars hav 2 look for alternative professions like farming cooking etc,” wrote RGV on his micro-blogging page.
Son of Nagarjuna Akkineni and Amala Akkineni, Akhil’s debut film is one of the most anticipated films of the year. Many of the tinsel town’s big wigs are curiously waiting to watch Already, his first look still garnered all attention. Directed by VV Vinayak, the movie has been christened after Akhil’s name.
But the fans of Mega, Power, Rebel stars seem to be unfazed much with RGV’s latest tweet as it’s Varma’s usual style of heaping praises. Either praise or criticism, RGV overdoes it and it’s his natural style. Even he did similar for Temper, but all knows the result. Looks like, people have made up their minds to not to take Varma seriously.