Akkineni AKhil’s debut movie, Akhil is nearing completion. The shooting of the last song in the film began today in a special set erected in Annapurna 7 acres studio. The song is the ‘Akkineni Akkineni’ song in the album and will have steps composed by Jaani Master. This shoot will go on for three days and with that entire shooting will be complete.
Business in all the territories slowed down significantly as there is a dearth of theaters due to Rudhrama Devi and Bruce Lee. Nagarjuna and Vinayak want the movie to postpone to a later date but Akhil and Nithin would not listen. Hence the movie is coming on October 22nd as planned earlier amid all the odds.
Mass Masala director VV Vinayak is wielding megaphone for this film. The movie is a hot cake in trade and had witnessed never before business for a debutant. Now the distributors are carrying high risk. Akhil had done prerelease business worth 47 Crore which is the highest ever for a new comer in the history of Telugu cinema.