Akhil Akkineni is all set to make grand debut on screen tomorrow amid Diwali festivities. Akhil’s first film Akhil directed by VV Vinayak is surprisingly not showing power at the ticket window in terms of advance bookings. Akhil is luckily the only Telugu movie to release in this week which means decent talk from the initial shows could boost the ticket sales.
Meanwhile the producers of this film Nithin and Sudhakar Reddy are not showing great enthusiasm in promoting this film. Except for the teasers and trailers there is not a single innovative promotional idea from them. Nagarjuna chose them over many top producers and they too have spent a bomb on the movie irrespective of knowing Akhil’s craze among the business circles.
Akhil is so enthusiastic that he is doing all the promotions single handed by giving lots of interviews and doing promotional tours. Akhil is not leaving any platform to promote his debut film. His enthusiasm is endearing for sure. Everyone is lauding his love for cinema and the zeal to make it big in this field. Hope the producers also takes inspiration from him and do their bit to promote the film.