One failure seem to have pushed Akhil Akkineni in to a lot of dilemma. The actor is struggling to take a decision about the director of his second project for several months now. We have heard names like Trivikram Srinivas, Vamshi Paidipalli, Boyapati Srinu and Hanu Raghavapudi till now.
And now a new name came up once again. Rumours are rife that Nagarjuna is keen on having Koratala Siva for this project since the director had become a synonym of success recently. Koratala had directed two films so far Mirchi and Srimanthudu. Mirchi back then is the biggest hit in Prabhas career.
Srimanthudu ended up as a non-Baahubali industry hit. Koratala is currently directing NTR’s Janatha Garage and the film is being readied for August 12th release as Independence day Special. If the project happens, Koratala will begin script work after Janatha Garage. Akhil is raring to go to make up for the failure.