No legendary actor in India had done this before. Yes, no great actor had the privilege of leaving this world while still continuing acting at an old age. At 91 years, Natasamrat Akkineni Nageswara Rao was acting in ‘Manam’ and the flick is to release soon.
Generally many say ‘acting is my life, my blood’, but Akkineni literally proved it without claiming any such. Technically, Manam is his 256th film and it features Nagarjuna and Naga Chaitanya too along with the legendary actor. Already ANR finished his dubbing part also the for the movie as he anticipated that if something goes wrong then the movie will fall in trouble. Though his body is getting eaten away by cancer, ANR maintained strong will through his mental health and wrapped up his last picture days before his death.
Long live Akkineni!!