Bollywood’s brand new film ‘Vicky Donor’ was a sensational hit a couple of years ago. The movie has a theme of hero donating his sperm and it was well accepted by the audiences. It was earlier buzzed that Brahmanandam’s son Gautham and Siddharth would play the lead roles in the Telugu remake of the film. The movie was also titled ‘Danakarna’. Eventually, the movie appeared to have gone to shelves as no filmmakers have come to produce the movie.
And now, the most decent hero from Akkineni family, Sumanth has repotedly taken a daring decision of doing this project. Sumanth, who has been suffering with a string of failures for the past couple of years, is now trying to bounce back with ‘Vicky Donor’s Telugu remake. Debutant Mallik Ram will direct this interesting project. The movie will go on sets in the month of January, 2016.