Akkineni fans are already worried and confused about the release of Naga Chaitanya’s Saahasam Swaasaga Saagipo. A Press note sent by the makers has further added to their confusion. Usually we see Press notes with confirmed News but then this Press Note had the title with the ‘Question Mark’ indicating that the release is not confirmed yet.
More over even if the release is confirmed they are missing the all important Independence day holiday weekend. August 12th is the best date of the year as there is a long weekend in the first week due to Independence day holiday on Monday and another holiday as Rakshabandhan special in the first week itself.
So Saahasam Swaasaga Saagipo may release after the date passed away. The movie brings the successful combination of Yem Maaya Chesave – Naga Chaitanya and Gautam Menon back but the movie’s delay had wanned out the hype and expectations on the film. The movie shooting is complete, couple of months ago. AR Rahman is the music composer.