Nandamuri Balakrishna’s prestigious 99th fill Dictator has been running successfully agree releasing huge amid humongous expectations. In the film, Balayya shared the screen space with three charming beauties, Anjali, Sonal Chauhan and Aksha.
Talking about her experiences while shooting with Balayya, Aksha revealed several amusing tidbits about Balayya’s down to earth nature even though he is such a huge star. Aksha revealed that she greeted Balayya saying “Hello sir” on the first day of the Delhi schedule.
To this, Balayya made an animated face and reportedly said, “I will not talk to you if you call me sir. Just call me Bala”. Praising Balayya’s friendly nature to no limits, Aksha also said that she and Balayya discussed endlessly about sun signs, politics and world cinema etc.
Of late, all the costars who worked with Balayya are all praise for the senior star who is known for his temperament. But Balayya has toned down his temper and has been winning everyone’s hearts.