Akshay Kumar, a titan of Bollywood, has faced a string of box-office setbacks since the COVID-19 lockdown. While “Sooryavanshi” marked his last clear commercial success, his involvement in “Oh My God 2” was more of an extended cameo. A string of subsequent films, including “Bell Bottom,” “Bachchan Pandey,” “Samrat Prithviraj,” and “Raksha Bandhan,” all failed to resonate with audiences, further extending his dry spell. This lackluster commercial performance has even extended to recent releases like “Cutputli,” “Ram Setu,” “Selfie,” “Mission Raniganj,” and his latest, “Sarfira” (a remake of “Aakasame Nee Haddu Ra”).
Industry observers have attributed this slump to a potential oversaturation of Akshay Kumar in the market. The perception is that his prolific work ethic, often involving multiple projects simultaneously, might be compromising the quality of script selection and film production. This viewpoint suggests that treating films like routine jobs rather than dedicated artistic endeavors could be a contributing factor.
However, Akshay Kumar offers a different perspective. He suggests that the negative narrative surrounding his work ethic is fueled by personal animosity rather than a factual analysis. He highlights his past reputation for punctuality and efficiency, having previously managed a workload of 17 films released within eight months. He emphasizes that the current criticism of not dedicating enough time seems contradictory.
Kumar further emphasizes a sense of schadenfreude surrounding his box-office struggles. He advocates for a more positive and collaborative environment within the industry, where constructive criticism replaces negativity. He observes this trend in politics and within Bollywood itself, with actors, directors, and producers resorting to public criticism of one another. Kumar argues for a more unified approach, channeling that energy into creating better cinema rather than engaging in public spats.
As Akshay Kumar navigates this challenging phase in his career, only time will tell how he adapts and responds. Whether he embraces a more selective approach to projects or finds a way to maintain his work rate while ensuring quality remains to be seen. However, his unwavering dedication to his craft and his call for a more positive industry environment are commendable aspects of this ongoing narrative.