Allu Arjun and director Trivikram Srinivas’ Ala Vaikunthapurramuloo is getting maximum benefit out of this festive season. According to production house, the film has earned a world-wide gross of Rs 180 Crore in first week with a distributor share of Rs 118.1 Crore. The production house claimed that it is an All Time Record in Non-Baahubali category.
Below is the area-wise break-up
Nizam-28.84 Cr
Ceded-15.45 Cr
Vizag-15.01 Cr
Guntur- 8.58 Cr
East- 8.12 Cr
West-6.40 Cr
Krishna-7.40 Cr
Nellore -3.50 Cr
AP & TS- 93.3 Cr
Karnataka – 9.3 Cr
TN,KL & RoI- 3.25 Cr
US- 9.0 Cr
RoW-3.25 Cr
Total – 118.1 Cr WW Share