Loud-mouthed Roja’s personal remarks on Bhuma Akhila Priya’s dress has drawn huge flak from all corners including many women groups. If this is not enough, Roja dragged ‘cheap’ politics and accused her of ‘using’ deaths of their parents. Roja went onto allege that Akhila Priya had “no time” for the memorial meeting of her father but blamed her for her “presence in Assembly”.
TDP has taken a serious cognizance of Roja’s nasty comments on its lady minister and its leaders have decided to up attack against Roja. MLA Buddha Venkanna asked Roja to undergo ‘alcohol-blood’ test before attending press conference. He said that Roja’s way of speaking and her abusive language is raising several suspicions that she might be under the ‘influence’ of alcohol.
It may be recalled that Minister Ayyannapatrudu has earlier accused Roja of ‘drinking half bottle liquor’ daily and said she won’t get sleep if she won’t consume alcohol. Now, Buddha Venkanna went ahead and stated that Roja is ‘attending’ press meets under alcohol influence.