Actor Ali, who is well-known for his kind gesture, yet again proved that his heart is in right place. He has forgiven a woman who allegedly cheated him for whopping Rs 90 Lakh. Going into details, Ali had bought a house in Sri Nagar colony, Hyderabad in 1998 from couple Sambasiva Rao and Sakuntala. Ali came to knew that the couple owe Rs 90 Lakh from Bank of Baroda on the house only after he bought the house.
Shocked with this, Ali had lodged a cheating case against the couple in 2006 in Banjara Hills police station. Currently the case is in its final stage in the Fourth Additional Metropolitan Sessions Judge at Nampally. On the eve of recently held Lok Adalat, justice SS Sridevi has informed Ali about the condition of old woman Sakuntala and her “pathetic” condition.
Moved with her condition, Ali came forward to withdraw the case he had filed against her. Usually in Lok Adalats, both the parties in contention resolve the case amicably by settling the deals financially outside court. Contrary to this, Ali agreed to withdrew the case without taking any money. With this Ali once again proved his big heart.