Ace filmmaker SS Rajamouli roped in sensuous Bollywood beauty Alia Bhatt to play one of the female leads in ‘RRR’. The star actress hasn’t joined the sets yet and she is expected to start shooting for her part from December. Alia was supposed to finish her scenes by now but the lockdown and change in schedules delayed the proceedings.
Inside information is that Rajamouli is going to present Alai Bhatt in a beautiful way in ‘RRR’. Apparently, she is expected to bring in the much-required glamour quotient to this film filled with macho heroes and high-octane fight sequences. Alia Bhatt will be seen romancing Ram Charan in this magnum opus and fans are eager to find out what the ‘Raazi’ actress brings on to the table.
Rajamouli used Tamanna for glamour purposes in ‘Baahubali’ and gave an eye feast to the audience. Reports are that Alia Bhatt will be used in the same manner for ‘RRR’. Apart from her stunning looks, Alia is also known for her phenomenal acting skills. Let us see how Rajamouli utilizes them.