The ruling trend of horror-comedies is getting more and more vulnerable in Tollywood and Kollywood. The recent hit of ‘Raju Gari Gadi’ has re-affirmed the taste of Telugu audience towards films in this genre. While Tamil and Hindi producers are competing to bag the remake rights of ‘Raju gari Gadi,’ here comes one of such similar movie in Tamil grabbing the attention.‘Hello Naan Pei Pesuren’ starring Vaibhav, Oviya and Aishwarya Rajesh in main leads is directed by S Bhaskar and produced by Sundar C. Ever since the trailer of ‘Hello Naan Pei Pesuren’ is out on Youtube, there is rapid interest generated even in Telugu about this flick. Literal meaning of this movie title is, ‘Hello, This is Ghost Speaking.’
Concept of the film is all about an evil soul struck in mobile phone. The comic and horror stuff there off generating from mobile will carry on the narration. Nevertheless, a flashback for devil and revenge drama can be the possible justification Bhaskar could have offered, as it senses from the trailer. The movie is said to be packed in a very smart, short budget of 1 Crore. Currently, there is a good competition building up for bagging Telugu remake rights of this film.