After veteran Rajendra Prasad and senior Naresh, ‘Allari Naresh’ looked like the one to fill the comedy hero slot in Tollywood. He excelled in comedy movies all through his career and had a smooth run for over a decade. But none of his films after ‘Sudigadu’ were able to impress the audience.
He faced a lot of failures which damaged his market to a certain extent. Last year, he played a supporting role in Mahesh Babu’s ‘Maharshi’ and got appreciation from the audience. He is currently working on a dark and serious film titled ‘Naandi’ produced by Satish Vegesna He will be proving himself as an actor through this film.
After ‘Nandi’, Naresh has reportedly agreed to do a comedy film once again. He is also planning to make films under his father’s production banner too. Apart from acting as a hero, he is reportedly sending indications to big directors and stars that he is game for playing good character roles too. Hope Naresh breaks the mold and become a complete actor rather than a hero stuck with an image.