Allari Naresh who is awaiting the release of his Selfie Raja, is currently committed for a film titled ‘Intlo Deyyam Nakenti Bhayam’ (Ghost Exists In my House, why would I fear then), a comedy film in the direction of G Nageshwara Reddy who is a bankable director for comedy films. Leading producer BVSN Prasad is producing the film under his Sri Venkateswara Cine Chitra Banner.
Intlo Deyyam Nakenti Bhayam will begin coming Friday (June 23rd) and regular shooting will follow. The movie is said to a comedy horror and the script has come out very well, the movie sources say. They are currently busy with the casting work of the film and will very soon come up with an official announcement.
Allari Naresh is with out a proper hit for a very long time. His last hit is in 2012 with Sudigadu directed by Bheemaneni Srinivasa Rao. The comedy actor went on to act in nine films after that, but only taste failure. So the Comedy King had pinned high hopes on these two projects – Selfie Raja and Intlo Deyyam Nakenti Bhayam.