Allari Naresh, who is fondly called as “Allarodu”, is back with a bang with his recent offing ‘Brother of Bommali’. Despite mixed reviews, the movie opened to packed theatres and running successfully. Especially, the movie is being received well by the audiences of B and C centres at the ticket windows which is a breather for the Comic star.
Although Naresh worked hard, few of his films like Laddu Babu failed to meet the audiences’ expectations at Box Office. Yet it didn’t deter Naresh. With his comic-tinge, trademark style mannerisms, histrionics, witty one-liners, dialogue modulation have all worked in favour of the film and Naresh yet again tickled the funny bone of audiences.
Naresh who kick started his career with Allari, never looked-back after its success and is riding high with the back-to-back films. In a career spanning over 12 years, Naresh has successfully acted in 47 films so far (including Bommali) and is all set to reach milestone of “50” very soon. Needless to say that the latest success of Bommali acts as a boost to Naresh.