Stylish Star Allu Arjun couldn’t hold back his emotions when Chiranjeevi performed live at CineMAA Awards. The actor, who was moved after the special act designed to remind the legendary journey of Megastar Chiranjeevi, spotted wiping his tears. Incidentally, the actor also was caught on camera during last year’s CineMAA Awards, when he went teary-eyed after listening to Nagarjuna’s speech about ANR.
Though that went unnoticed by many; then, now the actor became a scapegoat for netizens’ trolls. A few memes are now doing rounds on Allu Arjun that he is an attention seeker. However, mega fans could totally relate to what Bunny felt. The actor’s fans and others, who had been following him since a long time, opined that Bunny is a huge Megastar fans and it is obvious for him to feel emotional, when the actor has received such an honour at CineMAA Awards.
Perhaps Allu Arjun is having a tough time of late, as he is falling prey for trolls on social networking, with everything he does.