Stylish Star Allu Arjun had set a new record in Bengaluru city with his tomorrow release, S/O Satyamurthy. The movie is releasing in 43 locations in Bengaluru city which is highest for any Non-Kannada movie here. The movie still managed a record even with a star film, Rana Vikrama releasing on the same day.
S/O Satyamurthy is also getting a wide release every where. The total theaters count across the World is expected to be around 1400 which is highest in Bunny’s career. It is already known to our readers that the movie is releasing in 153 locations in the United States which is the second highest release for any Telugu movie after Aagadu (160 Locations).
Elaborate arrangements were made to screen the premieres of the film in time for today night. The Overseas distributor is expecting a big number from this Premieres itself. There are so many benefit shows lined up in Telangana and Andhra Pradesh for the movie with the ticket prices going up more than 1000-1200 Rupees in many places. Trade Experts are expecting a minimum 8-8.5 Crore share from both the Telugu States on the release day.