Allu Arjun has a great fan base in Malayalam film industry and it’s common fact by now. All his Telugu films have been dubbed, released there and almost all set cash registers ringing at Box Office. Considering Bunny’s huge craze in Kerala, the buyers from Kerala queued up to bag the dubbing rights of his forthcoming film “S/o Satyamurthy”.
The latest buzz is that Arjun-starrer “S/o Satyamurthy” has been sold for a whopping Rs 1.75 Crore. This is said to be a record price for the Malayalam dubbing rights of Telugu movie in the recent times. Also reports are rife that the film’s satellite rights in Telugu were sold for Rs 9.5 Crore. Producers Danayya and Radhakrishna have already pocketed nearly Rs 11.5 Crore and laughing all the way to the bank.
Since the movie marks the Julayi combo (Trivikram Sirnivas, Allu Arjun), expectations on S/o Satyamurthy are high. The film features Samantha, Nithya Menen, Adah Sharma in significant roles. Devi Sri Prasad has rendered the tunes. If all goes well, the film will be released in the first week of April.