Allu Sirish is making debut as an actor with the movie Gouravam, which is Tamil-Telugu bilingual produced by Prakash Raj. Successful Tamil director Radha Mohan, who earlier made Aakasamantha and Gaganam is the director of this film. Yami Gowtham is roped in as the female lead.
There has been buzz about Allu Sirish’s acting debut from so long, but he maintained silence until the news is out officially. Sirish thought of doing his first film in Tamil, but changed his decision later. However, he is targeting wider market straightaway by doing a pure bilingual film.
Allu Sirish is hoping for a respectable debut with this film as it would help him to go to the next level as hero. Especially Sirish needs to impress mega fans and earn their support. He will face tough competition from his compound itself as there are as many as three super successful heroes that are currently in business from his family alone. Let’s see if Sirish has it in him to go the distance.