By saying that he is attending the best and prestigious political talk show, mega hero Allu Sirish has apparently created sensation other day evening. Many wondered if he is appearing on TV9 Jaffar show or Encounter With Muralikrishna, or he is coming up Open Heart With RK or any such shows.
After reading Sirish’s tweet, “I’m excited and nervous! Have been invited finally to the most prestigious & top rated political talk show of Telugu states. Hope it goes well”, naturally some got a doubt. Because Sirish has neither hit films or any superb political legacy that he will be invited to such show. But he unfolded the truth some hours later.
“And I finally made it to #KoffeeWithKishore! He grilled us hard kani host ne toast chesam nenu Bharath!!! The program will be aired worldwide in theatres in March. Stay tuned!”, he tweeted later, sharing a photo from the shooting spot of his new film ABCD, which has fixed release date but still in shooting mode.
While some section of the audience got hurt by the shallowness of this joke, some are enjoying the humor of Allu Sirish. Hope they enjoy his films as well.