Actress Amala Paul and her husband-director AL Vijay appeared before principal family court judge Maria Clete in Chennai yesterday and filed a petition for divorce by mutual consent under Section 13(b) of the Hindu Marriage Act.
They came to court in separate cars. Amala’s family as well as Vijay’s parents was also present at the court. Saturday marks the beginning of the mandatory six-month statutory judicial separation period for the couple, at the end of which a divorce by mutual consent will be given. The case was adjourned to February 11, 2017 for further proceedings.
The couple has made it clear that there is no demand for maintenance or permanent alimony from either side. Usually, wives or husbands of celebrities seek alimony when accept for divorce. Interestingly, Amala Paul isn’t demanding anything from Vijay.It may be mentioned here that, Vijay and Amala Paul got married on June 12, 2014, and according to them, they are living separately since March 3, 2015. While Vijay had said that breach of trust is the reason for the couple to part ways, Amala Paul has maintained mum over the matter.