Malayalam beauty Amala Paul, who has recently divorced her husband, Tamil filmmaker AL Vijay has talked about going for love marriage when she decides to tie knot for the second time.
Amala has been very bold right from the beginning of her career. Be it choosing unconventional Malayalam films to start her career or opting for marriage when she was at the peak of her game, she has always been a fearless lady. Unfortunately, her wedding didn’t last for long, and in one of her earlier interviews, she regretted her decision of marrying at such young age.
When the ‘Nayak’ beauty was in her recent interview asked about if she would marry for the second time, she felt uneasiness to answer the query. She however recollected her composure and said that she was not a sanyasi to stay away from marriage life just because she had failed once. ‘I will surely marry again and it will be a love marriage. I will tell it to the whole world when I am ready,” Amala reportedly said.
The gorgeous lady was recently slut-shamed for posing in a sensual dress, very short pants and a transparent top, for a photo shoot. She however didn’t bother to respond.