Legendary Indian director Mani Ratnam’s legacy is nothing new to film lovers in India. The country’s most highly revered director’s greatness has been witnessed even by the western countries on numerous occasions through film festivals and special events. And now, the legend has bagged yet another world honour and this time from America.
The Museum of Moving Image in New York, America, will pay its tribute to the Indian pride by organizing a special retrospective of three of his popular films, Roja, Bombay and Dil Se on a big screen in 35mm format. Titled ‘Politics as Spectacle: The Film of Mani Ratnam’, this special retrospective will take place from 21st July to 2nd August.
Mani Ratnam will be invited to the celebration of his great work and he will also take part in a Q & A section with the discernin audiences. Speaking about this special tribute, Christina Marouda, the museum’s deputy director said, ‘Mani Ratnam is a treasure, and we are pleased to host him New York with three of his most significant and beloved films.’