In a shocking update, Bollywood’s superstar Amitabh Bachchan tested COVID-19 positive and has been shifted to the hospital. The Big B himself tweeted the same.
Amitabh Bachchan in his tweet revealed that he has tested positive for Coronavirus and the hospital is informing the authorities. Bachchan family and staff have already undergone tests and the results are awaited.Senior Bachchan asked all the people who have been in close proximity to him in the last 10 days to get tested immediately.
In a tweet following a little later, Abhishek Bachchan too revealed that he and his father Amitabh Bachchan tested positive for COVID-19. Abhishek further said in his tweet that they both had mild symtoms and have been admitted to hospital. He requested all to stay calm and not panic.
Amid the growing number of cases and many actors in the last few weeks testing positive with Covid-19, Amitabh Bachchan and Abhishek being infected by Coronavirus is worrying many in the film industry.