Recently every hero in Tamil is going after one heroine. She gained star image just with a couple of films there. She is none other than Amy Jackson who is being flooded with offers in Tamil. She debuted with ‘Madrasapattinam’ which has Aarya in the lead. Then she went on to do some films like ‘Yevadu’ and ‘Thandavam’.
Her biggest break came with Shankar’s ‘I’. She gained a star heroine image in Tamil from then on. She is now acting opposite actors like ‘Aarya’, ‘Vikram’, ‘Udayanidhi Stalin’ and others. She also signed a film opposite Vijay.
She is selected for Rajnikanth and Shankar’s ‘Robo2’ as a heroine. Apart from that she also signed few other Bollywood films. Amy also acted a film with Dhanush called ‘Thanga Magan’ and the film is going to release this 18th. In this way this foreign actress is becoming busy day by day and getting fame all over India.