British Model turned Indian Actress, Amy Jackson seem to be very excited about her next project, 2.0 with Superstar Rajinikanth. In an interview, the actress refuted the rumours that the actress will be seen as robot in the film. However she spiced up things saying that Shankar has designed a first of its kind role for her which is never explored in Indian cinema till now.
We are said that the makers have fixed ‘Chitti 2.0’ as the title of the film and they have also registered the title with the film chamber. Bollywood Star Hero Akshay Kumar was roped in to play an important role. The movie is being shot in 3D made with top technicians from all over the globe making it a complete world class film.
Oscar Award Music Director AR Rahman will be composing music for the film. Rest of the crew include crew cinematographer Nirav Shah, Art Director Muthuraj, VFX Supervisor Srinvas Mohan, Editor Antony and Rasool Pookutty handling the Sound Designing. They have also roped in two Hollywood stunt coordinators to supervise the fights.