‘Kshanam’ is a super hit Telugu movie which is made with controlled budget. It was acclaimed by critics also. Young director Ravikanth Perepu has picturised movie very well where Aada Sharma, Adavi Sesh and Anasuya acted wonderfully in lead roles.
People appreciated new flavor in the making, suspense sustained whole through where each and every scene is shoot with care and attention. This movie’s remake rights are taken by Kollywood production house recently.
It is said that this movie gave good profits to PVP house. To remake the movie in Hindi; ‘Kshanam’ is being shown to Akshay Kumar. It seems Akshay responded positively after seeing the whole movie. Few suggested that Anasuya is fit for her role in Hindi also.
But Akshay didn’t accept it. Too bad. Anasuya missed offer in Bollywood for her role is ‘Kshanam. Anyhow; she will prove her talent as she got offer in Kollywood in remaking the movie.