Anchor Anasuya Bharadwaj got familiar with Telugu audience with the Jabardasth comedy show. She succeeded in impressing the audience with her talkativeness and that tempting hot glamour show as well. She even debuted into silver screens and has been doing some supporting roles.
On the occasion of Republic Day today, Anusuya shared a long and emotional post. In that, she showed a different side in her and shared some problems she has been facing from the society. She started the post by claiming that she has taken up the responsibilities of her family well-being just like a daughter, a sister, a wife and a woman in the society and went on saying that there is no freedom as trolls are attacking her all the time.
“I don’t know how my work or what I wear affects not my family but others. I don’t see how few take the liberty to abuse, disrespect and dishonour not only me but also my husband, children, parents and family. Every day I face phone calls, comments you don’t even have the strength to know about. As a responsible woman, i ask what freedom is. I don’t have the freedom to work as I wish but these goons in the name of tradition, culture have the freedom to trample my respect and crush my motive” tweeted Anasuya in an emotional message.
It seems like Anasuya’s life is also an emotional ride like every other woman in the limelight, says, feminists. But who is calling Anasuya everyday criticise and abuse her with their words is the question now. Why isn’t she not complaining to police about it?