In what could be seen as a sequel to his tweets several months ago, Janasena Chief Powerstar Pawan Kalyan has once again expressed his dissent over the Andhra Pradesh government’s plans to acquire the farmers’ lands in the capital region. Pawan said, “I request TDP govt not to use ‘Land acquisition act’ to procure the remaining land for AP capital.”
Pawan further hoped for a peaceful resolution to the ongoing tussle between the government and the farmers as he said, “Bhoo sekarana samasyani samarasya vatavarnamlo parishkarinchi munduku velltharani nenu asisthunnanu.”
Pawan’s tweets come at a time when the government is mulling over ways to acquire lands from the farmers of the six villages in and near Nidamarru in the capital region of Amaravati. While farmers from the surrounding villages voluntarily agreed to give away their lands through land pooling, others who have been opposing the pooling allege that the government officials are threatening them to forcibly take away their lands.
The TDP government has promised the farmers of several beneficiary schemes. Of the 40,000 odd agricultural families in the capital region, only 12,000 families own lands while others are workers in these lands. However, only 11,000 families have been entitled for the government pension scheme, leaving the 29,000 other families protest.