Delhi beauty Lavanya Tripathi, the girl who wooed Telugu audiences with her debut flick ‘Andala Rakshasi’ is yet to get her big break. Thouh she sizzled alongside Vishnu in ‘Doosukelta’ and after doing a cameo in ‘Manam’, stars are not on her side for sure. But producer Dil Raju’s ‘Kerintha’ being directed by Sai Kiran Adivi is expected to be a game changer for this gorgeous beauty. Seems like, that turned a nightmare now.
According to reports, producer Dil Raju is unhappy with the performance of Lavanya in ‘Kerintha’. Almost after 25 days of shoot, Raju has reportedly called director Sai Kiran Adivi to reshoot everything. Lately it has come out that Raju wants Lavanya to be replaced as he felt that the essence of the story is missing due to her inability to portray this particular role of a contemporary girl who’s into live-in relation with the hero. Sources stated that ‘Drushyam’ fame Kruthika Jayakumar (Venky’s elder daughter in the movie) has replaced Lavanya now. Let’s wait for some official confirmation.