AMARAVATI: Andhra Pradesh on Friday added 8,096 fresh cases in 24 hours as the state’s COVID-19 positive tally touched 6,06,663. With 11,803 patients getting cured in the 24-hour period, the total number of those recovered from the pandemic stood at 5,16,996, the latest bulletin said.
With 2,461 cases from other states and 434 from other countries, the total cases in the state stood at 6,09,558. It said 67 more patients had succumbed to the infection, taking the gross toll to 5,244, according to the bulletin.
The number of active cases declined further to 84,423 from 88,197 on Thursday.
The state so far completed 49.59 lakh sample tests for coronavirus. A total of 74,710 samples were tested in the past 24 hours.
East Godavari reported 1,405 cases and West Godavari reported 1,035 cases, and Chittoor reported 902 positive COVID-19 cases. AP reached the 10,000 cases mark on June 24, one lakh on July 27, two lakh on August 7 and 2.50 lakh on August 12. It reached the three-lakh mark on August 18 and four lakh on the 28th. On September 7, the Covid-19 tally went past the five lakh figure.
#COVIDUpdates: 18/09/2020, 10:00 AM
రాష్ట్రం లోని నమోదైన మొత్తం 6,06,663 పాజిటివ్ కేసు లకు గాను
*5,16,996 మంది డిశ్చార్జ్ కాగా
*5,244 మంది మరణించారు
* ప్రస్తుతం చికిత్స పొందుతున్నవారి సంఖ్య 84,423#APFightsCorona #COVID19Pandemic— Health Medical and Family Welfare Department – AP (@ArogyaAndhra) September 18, 2020
It took 190 days for the state to go from just one case to six lakh cases after the first person tested positive for the contagion on March 12, with the last two lakh coming in just 20 days.
Meanwhile, India reported 96,423 new coronavirus cases on Friday, taking its overall count to 52,14,677. The country’s toll rose by 1,174 to 84,372. A record 87,472 patients recovered from the infection in the last 24 hours, pushing the total number of discharges to 41,12,551, according to the union health ministry.