Angry MLA from Andhra Pradesh asked doctors to operate on his blood. The incident happened when a pregnant woman burst with tears in front of YSRCP MLA Kona Raghupathy from Bapatla alleging that the doctors refused to perform operation and in turn asked her to go to Guntur.
Pregnant woman Annamani reached Bapatla hospital from Ganapavaram and requested doctors to perform operation and save her and her kid. However doctors asked her to go to Guntur as they didn’t have B +ve blood.
Annamani expressed her troubles to MLA Kona Raghupathy who coincidentally came to the hospital to conduct surprise checks. Kona Raghupathy at once asked the doctors to perform operation informing that even his blood group is B +ve.
Doctors conducted operation with the initiative of the MLA by getting B +ve blood from Guntur blood bank. Kona Raghupathy is father of famous costume designer and Samantha’s best pal, Kona Neeraja.