Movie star Anil Kapoor, who performed in D Ramanaidu’s biggest Hindi movies, became emotional on knowing about the demise of the veteran producer. Always they met he would greet him as his hero. He ate, lived and died for films.
Single penny that Naidu Saab made was pumped back into producing films, the actor said, adding, he did four movies with Naidu Saab, Insaaf Ki Awaaz, Rakhwala, Jeevan Ek Sangharsh and Hum Aapke Dil Mein Rehte Hain.
When he heard he was not well, he flew down to Hyderabad previous week to see him. He didn’t know it would be his goodbye meeting. He noticed him but could barely speak. But you know what he mumbled? ‘Let’s start a Hindi film’. That’s what he every time told whenever they met.
He repeated the same even when he was dying. Naidu Saab is the terminal of the movie moguls, an independent movie producer who dream epic projects. He can’t visualize what cinema is going to be like without Naidu Saab, Kapoor ended.