Kolaveri Di fame music director Anirudh Ravichander became one of the most sought after composers in Kollywood in short span. He is now foraying into Tollywood with Nithin and Trivikram Srinivas combination film A..Aa (Anasuya Ramalingam vs Anand Vihari).
The young and sensational composer is said to be charging Rs 1.5 crore for the film. This shocking remuneration makes him highest paid music director in Telugu. This is really surprising, Trivikram shares good affiliation with Devi Sri Prasad, nevertheless he picked Anirudh instead for a change.
While Tollywood’s top composer DSP gets around Rs 1 crore, SS Thaman is paid nearly 60 to 80 lakhs for a film. Young music directors like Anup Rubens and Mickey J Meyer charge 50 lakhs or less. Although, makers of A..Aa have brought in Anirudh since music plays key role in the family entertainer.
In fact, Anirudh was original choice for Ram Charan’s next arrival Bruce Lee-The Fighter. But, he was replaced by Thaman owing to unknown reasons. Some say, huge demand from Anirudh made him out of the project.
Curiously, most of the Tamil films of Anirudh were musical hits. He is good at rendering peppy as well as melody tracks. This young man is expert in providing soothing background score. It is to be seen whether he puts in the same dedication for Telugu cinema too.