Telugu beauty Anjali is still finding it tough to attend before a Chennai court in connection with a defamation petition and a cheating case filed by producer Parnjiyam. The Tamilnadu court earlier ordered police to produce the actress before them, even by arresting her, and also issued arrest warrant after she gave a miss a couple of times.
In order to evade an arrest, Anjali has requested the court to allow her more time to attend before them. Reacting on that special plea filed by Anjali, Court stated that it cannot entertain Anjali any further. Also an order declared that the heroine should either attend before court by November 22nd or will be arrested by police if she fails to turn up on that day. Earlier Court issued repeated summons to Anjali but the actress never paid heed to them. The situation is now like she should either attend court or will get arrested without any fail.
Anjali has just completed her latest Telugu movie Masala where she features as heroines beside senior hero Venkatesh for the second time. The actress will be soon taking up promotions for this new film.