Actress Anjali who made sensational comments yesterday goes missing. The actress reportedly went missing from the hotel room since yesterday morning. She was shooting for the remake of ‘Bol Bachchan’ movie opposite Venkatesh in Hyderabad. As she went missing the shooting of the film was stalled. Anjali was staying in a hotel room with her uncle. Whether she was kidnapped or she herself ran away is a big question mark. Her mobile is also not reachable and family members are worried about this.Yesterday she made shocking allegations on her step mom that she robbed off everything from her. She also said her pinni (step-mom) and a Tamil director also harassed her physically and mentally. This shocking confession was all over in Telugu newspapers and Tamil new dailies this morning.
Anjali is in Hyderabad for the shooting of Ravi Teja’s Balupu. She is also acting in the remake of Bol Bachchan opposite Venkatesh in the film and the movie shooting is progressing in Bangalore now. Sravanthi Ravikishore told the media that he is sure would join the shoot tomorrow.