Very few Telugu heroines are present in Tollywood these days and certainly Anjali is one who is successful in picking herself up in the race. It is known already that she is doing the romantic-interest of Venkatesh in the multi starrer ‘Sitamma Vakitlo Sirimalle Chettu’. In the recent posters of the film that were released, Anajali steal the show and attracting people with her lovely look and homely expression grabbing the attention of Venkatesh in the poster. She is impressing fans with her glamour.
She kick started her career in Tamil industry with award winning film Shopping mall, as she couldn’t get any offer in Tollywood despite being Telugu girl. With the craze she earned from SVSC, this Seetamma bagged the opportunities beside big heroes like Venkatesh, RaviTeja and Balayya who felt that she will fit the bill besides them. Film critics saying that if SVSC becomes a hit, industry will get another actress like Soundarya. Even this bubbly beauty is saying that she is ready to act beside both big heroes and young heroes without any difference. All the best Anajali.