The much-hyped trailer of Rajinikanth’s Annaatthe, dubbed in Telugu as Peddanna, was unveiled a short while ago and it most certainly packs a punch. The trailer implies that Annaatthe is a proper festival release and fittingly enough, it will be out in theatres this Diwali festival season. We are served a mass feast with the trailer as it is loaded with all the necessary commercial ingredients that are needed to pull the audiences to theatres in big numbers this Diwali season.
Siruthai Siva seems to have come up with another mass entertainer after his previous film, Viswasam, starring Ajith Kumar fared exceedingly well at the box offices across the rural pockets of Tamil Nadu. The trailer of Annatthe implies that this film will be on the lines of Viswasam. There is an ample dose of action, swaggery, and the customary sister sentiment in the film, as shown in the trailer.
Keerthy Suresh plays Rajini’s sister in the film and she has undergone a visible transformation. She looks really beautiful though. The slender diva fits the part. Nayanthara is seen as Rajini’s love interest and she looks as gorgeous as ever. Khushboo also plays an important role in the film.
Now, coming to the main star of the show, Rajinikanth, he looks absolutely stunning as he carries a massy demeanour that perfectly suits him. He nails the salt and pepper look with utmost charm. The senior actor oozes swag through the course of the trailer. After a long time, Rajinikanth is back to mass genre and it would be a treat to his followers to catch him in such a mass avatar after a long gap.
D Imman’s background score is electrifying and it suits the theme of the film. The themes song that is played in the trailer is sharp and it elevates the mood. Imman seems to have worked his magic again.
Sive seems to have cooked up another mass entertainer with Annaatthe this time around and this really is his forte. It is known that Annaatthe (Peddanna) is arriving in theatres on the 4th of November, marking Diwali. The film is produced by Sun Pictores.