Andhra Pradesh cabinet which met on Wednesday in Velagapudi, has taken key decisions. The cabinet has approved the ‘Annadhaata Sukhibava’ scheme which would provide financial assistance to farmers. Under this scheme, farmers will get Rs 10,000 per year. Also in this very month, farmers will be handed over the first installment of cheques.
A total of 76.2 lakh farmers will benefit under the scheme. But this scheme comes in combination with the central government proposed Rs 6000 for farmers which means, the state government will add Rs 4000. The government will pay the full amount of Rs 10,000 to farmers who are not eligible for central government scheme and also included the tenant farmers under the state government’s scheme. There are about 15 lakh tenant farmers in AP, said minister Somireddy.
But this ‘Annadhaata Sukhibava’ will put a financial burden of Rs 7,621 crore on the state government’s treasure.
The cabinet has also nodded for allotment of 30 acres land for journalists. At Rs 10 lakh per acre, the amount can be paid through installments. An initial amount of Rs 1 crore should be paid to CRDA and then the proposed land will be transferred under journalist society. The balance amount can be cleared in two years.